Come on out to Sprunica Baptist for our 2nd Annual FREE Community Chili Supper! This year we’re spicing it up to officially be a COMMUNITY-WIDE CHILI CONTEST WITH PRIZES!

Don’t want to cook chili? That’s just fine - come on out for a free meal and help us vote on the best chili in the community. Sit for a smidge and visit with others while filling up your belly. (I’m sure there’ll be plenty of chit-chat about the weather and how many deer have narrowly escaped clutches so far. It’s all in great fun and great company.)

I have the best chili around! Prove it! If you’re up for the challenge, bring a crock-pot of your chili to share! Simply let us know you plan on bringing your own chili by emailing us at ADMIN@SPRUNICABAPTIST.ORG: You’ll automatically be entered into the contest to win lovely prizes! (depending on how many we have will determine how many prizes are awarded). Set-up will be at 4:30pm.

Whether you plan to VOTE or to enter your CHILI in the contest - it’s all FREE. (Goodwill offering at door to benefit a local charity if you’re so inclined)

So, put it on your calendar - drive on out to meet some neighbors, have some good conversation, and eat a tasty, warm meal.

And don’t forget to email us if you plan on brining some chili :)

*Guys - this qualifies under “planning the supper” for your date night with the better half. You’re welcome. (Maybe watch the bean intake, though….)